Building Resilient Communities.
Creating an Environment where Business will Thrive.
What is Advance Together?
Advance Together is a Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to advancing the values of community building and supporting businesses for progress by endorsing and supporting candidates who share our vision of fostering vibrant and prosperous communities.
It is important to note that PACs operate independently from political parties, although they can align themselves with specific parties or candidates. They are driven by their own missions and objectives, seeking to advance their interests through active engagement in the political process.

Our Mission
Building Resilient Communities
Creating an Environment where Business will Thrive
Advance Together PAC recognizes the interdependence between community well-being and the prosperity of businesses. By aligning the interests of communities and businesses, we aim to foster a symbiotic relationship where both entities mutually benefit and contribute to the overall advancement and prosperity of society.
What is a PAC?
A Political Action Committees (PAC) is an organization that is formed to raise and spend money to influence political campaigns and the outcomes of elections. PACs serve as a platform for individuals, businesses, labor unions, and other groups to participate in the political process and advocate for their interests.
It is important to note that PACs operate independently from political parties, although they can align themselves with specific parties or candidates. They are driven by their own missions and objectives, seeking to advance their interests through active engagement in the political process.
What benefits do PACs offer the broader community?
Amplifying the Collective Voice
PACs provide a platform for individuals and organizations to pool their resources and influence to support political candidates and causes that align with their interests. By combining their efforts, PACs can have a greater impact on the political process than individuals acting alone.
PACs serve as fundraising mechanisms for candidates. They enable individuals and businesses to contribute to candidates they support, thereby helping candidates finance their campaigns. PACs can collect and distribute funds efficiently, ensuring candidates have the necessary resources to effectively communicate their messages and compete in elections.
How do PACs Help the Business Community?
Advocacy for Business Interests
PACs allow businesses to collectively advocate for policies that promote their interests, such as tax reform, regulatory changes, or industry-specific issues. By supporting candidates who understand and champion their concerns, businesses can have a voice in shaping legislation that affects their operations.
Access and Influence
PACs provide businesses with an opportunity to establish relationships and gain access to elected officials and policymakers. Through their financial contributions and participation in PACs, businesses can build relationships that enable them to voice their perspectives, provide input on relevant issues, and potentially influence policy decisions.
Why contribute to the Advance Together PAC?
We understand that the success of our communities is interconnected with the success of our local businesses. By supporting candidates who recognize this symbiotic relationship, we aim to create an environment that encourages entrepreneurship, attracts investment, and generates sustainable employment opportunities.
We firmly believe that a robust and flourishing business sector forms the foundation for a prosperous and vibrant community.
By rallying behind our endorsed candidates, volunteering, and contributing to their campaigns, you have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the future of our community.
We encourage you to join us in our mission to build resilient communities and create an environment where businesses can thrive.
Together, we can champion candidates who share our values and work towards a future where our communities are prosperous, inclusive, and vibrant, and our local businesses play a pivotal role in driving progress.